Saturday, September 22, 2012


On September 20th Kaylee cut her finger on accident.
Here is her story-
I was skinning a cucumber with a forever sharp knife.(Tm)  I was cutting it towards me. (being stupid)  Then it happened the knife slit into my flesh and started squirting out blood. I was terrified. So I stumbled backwards with my finger in my mouth. I ran to my parents room "Help i was cutting a cucumber and i cut myself". What i hear in the room is "o my god"  they quickly took me to the bathroom where they turned on the water. My mother tryed to calm me down, because i was about to go into hysterics. My Father took me to the hospital where we waited for five stinking hours and we never even saw a doctor. That is how i learned that you need to be careful with a knife.

Listen kids always ask you're parents BEFORE you use a knife because once you cut yourself you will NEVER forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Give it time, babe.

    Give it time.

    You will be a knife pro before you know it.

    Just don't almost chop your finger off again, mmmkay?
